Follow my journey as I capture the beauty in everyday life, from urban streets to nature’s smallest details.
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Cymbalaria muralis, commonly known as ivy-leaved toadflax. I captured this scene while walking up the stairs leading to Église de la Trinité de Brélévenez in Lannion, Bretagne. I was particularly drawn to the snakelike shape of the plant as it wound its way through the cracks and crannies of the stone wall.
European Garden Spider
The Araneus diadematus, commonly known as the European garden spider or cross orb-weaver, is a distinctive species of orb-weaving spider found across Europe and North America. Recognizable by the white cross-like markings on its abdomen, this spider typically constructs large, spiral-shaped webs in gardens, forests, and urban areas.